Working for MD at Home: A Profile of Dr. Kim Williams
Biology and Psychology from the University of Illinois Champagne
Attended medical school at Southern Illinois University in Springfield
Former Resident Physician at Rush Hospital
General Information
Dr. Williams is proud to have concentrated her medical career in the city of Chicago, where she was born and raised. In the past, she’s specialized in both women’s health and substance abuse treatment, specifically for opiate addiction.
What is it that you enjoy about working in the home care setting?
“I truly feel like a FAMILY practitioner. Often times I get to interact with members of the patient’s immediate family and truly get an understanding of how the patient’s family life impacts their health, as well as how the family structure is laid out as a whole.
What do you love about working for MD at Home compared to the traditional hospital setting?
“I worked in hospital settings for years, but I’m done with that now. Working with patients in their homes has a significantly lower stress level. Less office politics as a whole. I get to see people all over. I feel like I get to practice medicine the way it was meant to be practiced because there’s no quota or anything like that. I can take my time with each patient, spending the full hour. Sometimes in a hospital setting, you’ll get less than 10 minutes with the patient and that’s just not ideal.”