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Aging in Place
MD ​at Home offers a variety of topics for inservices.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines aging in place as "the ability to live in one's own home and community safely, independently, and comfortably, regardless of age, income, or ability level."
At MD at Home, we believe this topic to be crucial to the sustained health of not only individuals, but populations as well. Aging in place is essential to maintaining positive well-being as individuals age.
We also provide the framework to make this possible by offering in-home physicians services.
Working in Underserved Communities
As much as we'd all like to dream that the healthcare industry is one filled with equality, this simply isn't the case.
Many populations, races, and ethnic groups are underserved by the healthcare industry. Who are these individuals? How can we find them? How can we seek to promote equal outcomes across all populations?
If you schedule this continuing education program for your nurses or social workers, you'll learn more about this topic and what the best ways are to connect with these populations.
Managing Chronic Conditions
Chronic conditions are costly, not just for patients, but for providers as well.
Often times, how closely these chronic conditions are monitored can be a key factor in determining successful outcomes for your patients. How can you help patients manage their chronic conditions? What technological tools can you use to maintain communication with your patients and assure that they're managing their conditions well?
All these questions and more will be answered as this inservice! Continue your education about chronic conditions by meeting with MD at Home.